Mr.Lukyas Peacemaker!
Number of posts : 1088 Age : 31 Location : Serbia How often are you online? : All the time Im home! Very often How did you find us? : Im admin ffs! Registration date : 2007-07-23
| Subject: Hi, guests, come here to see what do we have here ^_^ Tue 11 Sep - 23:00:20 | |
| Welcome to my Art Forum. Let me introduce myself: I am the great boss: Mr.LUKYAS! from Serbia. This is forum about the art and everything about the art. So, if you think that you are good at Photoshoping, 3D modeling, maybe making movies, AMVing, you like drawing, like commenting other people's drawings, maybe you like animes and mangas, and if you do any of these, then you're right person for this forum. We would be pleased to have you as a member. Click register button at the top of the screen, and share all youre work with us, or comment on somebody's elses. ~regards, the great boss: Mr.LUKYAS!, moderation and style team | |